This output is called a result record, and it can include^ error and an error message. 这个输出被称为结果记录,它包括^error和错误消息。
Using the trigger column "CustomerID," the output will generate a new record containing a single XML document only when the" CustomerID "field is changed to a new value. 通过使用触发器列CustomerID,仅当CustomerID字段被更改为一个新值时,输出将生成一条包含一个XML文档的新记录。
A command-line option is provided to minimize the output record to only display the EWU value for each character string provided on the command line. 一个命令行选项可以缩减输出记录,只显示在命令行上提供的每个字符串的EWU值。
This causes the stage to produce an output record for each occurrence of the Symbol element. 这导致每次出现Symbol元素时该阶段都生成一个输出记录。
For every occurrence of ns: AccountTitle, the stage will produce an output record. 每次发生ns:AccountTitle时,这个阶段都生成一个输出记录。
The first line of the output record is either^ running or^ done, followed by result information. 输出记录的第一行是^running或^done,接下来是结果信息。
The db2pd output above provides the record identifier ( RID) of the rows that are locked. 上面的db2pd输出提供了被锁定的行的记录标识(RID)。
Furthermore, if you have multiple e-mail addresses for a single client, you want all of them to be included in the output as part of a single client record. 而且,如果一个客户有多个e-mail地址,那么您希望将这些e-mail地址都包括在输出中,作为单个客户记录的一部分。
The default output record from the "mkewuid" script function consists of several fields of information delimited by a colon(:) character mkewuid脚本函数的默认输出记录包含五个字段,字段之间由冒号(:)分隔
The XML Input stage will loop through the repetition element and produce an output record for each occurrence of that element. XMLInput阶段将遍历重复元素,并为每个重复的元素生成一个输出记录。
By the time you have completed the tutorial, you will have learned the rudimentary aspects of the language, including formatting output, record and field manipulation, and pattern matching. 在完成本教程后,您可以学习到该语言的基本内容,包括格式化输出、记录和字段操作以及模式匹配。
Where data_file is your LDAP directory output of one field per line and record separated by an empty line. 其中datafile是每行一个字段的LDAP目录输出和用空行分隔的记录。
The minimize option is-m; however, the default behavior of the script function is to maximize (-M) the output record data and display all fields. 这个最简化选项是-m;但是,这个脚本函数的默认行为是显示所有字段(-M)。
The application which will process the output file expects each record to be120 bytes long. 将处理输出文件的应用程序预期每个记录的长度为120字节。
When it is read go output results, it writes a record. 当它准备输出结果时,它就写记录。
An output unit that produces a record of data in the form of hole patterns in punch cards. 一种输出装置,它在穿孔卡上产生以孔的模式表示的数据记录。
A design of the voice output record system will be given in this article. 本论文就是介绍这样一款语音播报记事器的设计。
Output was at a record low. 产量处于历来的最低点。
New Delhi: after two months without a government, India's industrial output soars to record levels. 12月,新德里:在经历了没有政府的两个月之后,印度的工业产出飙升至创纪录水平。
Creates multiple output records by iterating over each input record. 通过对每个输入记录进行迭代,创建多个输出记录。
A survey by brokerage firm CLSA showed employment and output fell at a record clip in Chinese factories in December. 里昂证券(亚洲)(CLSA)的调查数据显示,12月中国制造业的就业和产值出现了历史性降幅。
Indian factory output recorded its biggest surge on record. 印度制造业产量增速创下了历史新高。
For that you need the raw output, one record for each process instance, and also one record for each activity or event instance, dumped into Excel or a database. 对于此你需要的是原始输出,每个流程实例一份记录,同样的每个活动或事件也各一份记录,倾注入Excel或数据库。
Shipbuilding Output in China Hit a Record High in 2002 2002中国造船
Especially since 2003, the international orders of new vessels increased drastically with the annual shipbuilding output expecting to break the history record. 特别是2003年以来,世界新船订单量再次大幅增长,全年造船产量也有望突破历史最高记录。
Impact of Manganin Transducer Protective Medium on Detonator's Output Record Waveform 锰铜传感器保护介质对雷管输出记录波形的影响
So we provide final solution as followed: utilize precise sensors to detect tension, AO output, PLC to read, calculate, output and record, inverter to control motors rotary speed and HMI to display and input parameter. 为此我们采用了利用精密张力传感器进行张力检测及模拟量输出、PLC进行数据读取、计算、输出并存储,交流变频器对电机进行速度控制及触摸屏进行输入显示的闭环张力控制方法。
In the empirical part, the paper studies impact of the absolute input on the output of record industry. 在实证分析部分本文探讨了信息技术投入对音像业产出增长的影响。
It shows the importance and contribution information technology to the output of the record industry. In China, however, there is a huge gap in terms of innovation investment with developed countries. 实证结果充分说明了信息技术对音像业的产出中重要性和贡献率。但是在我国,对于信息技术进步的投入意识以及可观察到的影响时效上来看都与发达国家有着不小的差距。
It is found that the input of new product development fund and the input of R& D in the information manufacturing industry is the driving factor that influences the output of record industry. 通过实证分析,作者发现信息制造业的R&D投入强度、新产品开发经费投入最直接的影响了音像业的产出。